BC Electric
Railway Company Terminal
425 Carrall Street.
(Corner of West Hastings Street) Vancouver, British Columbia
Statement of
of Historic Place
The BC Electric Railway Company Terminal is a six storey Second
Empire Renaissance style industrial/office building with frontages
on Carrall and West Hastings Streets, in the historic district
of Gastown in Vancouver.

City of Vancouver Archives #: M-14-71
Heritage Value
This building is significant because the BC Electric Railway Company
once operated the most extensive interurban system in Canada from
this location; two of their three interurban tramlines, the Central
Park-Fraser Valley line, which provided service from New Westminster
(1891) and Chilliwack (1910), and the Burnaby Lake line to New
Westminster (1911), terminated there. One track off Hastings Street
split into two in the terminal while another track from Hastings,
essentially for freight movement, found room between the west
side of the new structure and the Canadian Pacific Railway line.
Tramlines made travel faster and more convenient, replacing horse
and buggy and water transport with direct routes for a reasonable
cost. As the population expanded to the outlying areas, the tramlines
served two purposes: not only did they bring customers to the
downtown area to shop, eat, and socialize but they also made it
possible for residents to live at a distance from their place
of employment. They were also used to carry freight from the suburbs
to the city core. The Chilliwack line was important for bringing
milk and other foodstuffs from the Fraser Valley to the city,
where it was delivered to retail outlets for sale. The system
grew quickly with lines extended and new ones created until Vancouver
and the outlying areas were crisscrossed with tracks. The tracks
were torn up in the 1950s and the trams replaced with electric
trolleys and motor coaches. Public transit has had an enormous
influence on the business and social life of the city.
The architects for
the terminal were Somervell and Putnam. It was this project in
1912 that firmly established their reputation for excellence in
large urban projects. Woodruff Marbery Somervell came to Seattle
from New York in 1904 to supervise construction of a cathedral,
stayed to build several hospitals and several homes now listed
on the U.S. Register of Historic Places, then brought his styles
to Vancouver in 1910. John L. Putnam became a full partner in
1911 and together they designed several Vancouver landmarks. Sugar
king B.T. Rogers' mansion, ""Shannon"" (1912-15);
the terracotta Birks Building (1912-13, demolished 1974); and
the pair of buildings at Abbott and West Hastings - the Merchant's
Bank and the B.C. Electric Railway Company terminal - are their
The terminal is built
in an interpretation of the Second Empire Renaissance style. The
original plans for the terminal included a Parisian mansard roof
and more decoration than was finally applied. However, the building
is a striking example of corporate stability and power. Its construction
represented an early use of fire-proofed steel. According to the
journal 'The Architect, Builder and Engineer', ""The
interior fittings of the building are in thorough keeping with
the magnificent appearance of the block. The wood finish throughout
is oak, and many of the offices are panelled to the picture mouldings
in mahogany or oak."" In addition to areas to accommodate
the general public, the building housed 300 workers. The BC Electric
Railway was the largest employer in the area and service businesses
grew up in the adjacent areas to serve the influx of potential
customers. The building's upper area was remodelled in 1945 by
Sharp and Thompson to remove the high roof and add a final storey
which mirrored the fifth floor; The Bank of Montreal was the next
Source: City of Vancouver
Heritage Planning Street Files