Ho Restaurant
East Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
installed in 1954 by Wallace Neon
Other Name(s)
Sun Ah Hotel,
Lung Kong Kung Shaw Association Building, Loo G. Wing Building
Statement of Significance
of Historic Place
Sun Ah Hotel is a five-storey brick building situated on
the southeast corner of East Pender and Columbia Streets
in Vancouver's historic Chinatown.
Sun Ah Hotel has heritage value because of its associations
with important persons, patterns, and institutions in Chinatown
and Vancouver. Heritage value is also found in the architecture
and the important role it played in shaping East Pender
Street, Chinatown's main commercial and community street.
This building was constructed in 1911-12 for Loo Gee Wing,
a leading Chinatown merchant. Like some other successful
Chinese merchants, Loo had made his fortune during the Gold
Rush and invested in real estate both within and outside
Chinatown, helping to shape the appearance of the city.
Heritage value resides in the association with Loo, and
also with the Lung Kong Kung Shaw Association (now the Lung
Kong Tien Yee Association), which has owned the property
since 1926. This is an uncommon four-surname society, based
on the traditions of the Peach Garden Oath, in which four
heroic figures of different surnames came together in brotherhood
to address the problems of China.

Photo: VPL #2001, date 1961.
heritage value is found in the long association of the building
with the Ho Ho Restaurant (ground floor and mezzanine) and
the Sun Ah Hotel (upper floors). The Ho Ho Restaurant, which
opened in 1954, was owned and operated by the Quon family;
since the late 1990s it has operated under different ownership.
The eatery represented one of the numerous restaurants and
curio shops that opened in Chinatown after World War II
to cater to non-Chinese curiosity and tastes. It indicates
an important warming in attitudes towards the city's Chinese,
as well as a new phase in Chinatown's commercial development.
Upstairs, the Sun Ah Hotel's 48 rooms were typical of the
small, crowded, lodgings available to working-class Chinese
men. Perhaps it was some of these men who were - on repeated
occasions - sanctioned for gambling on the premises in 1915-18.
The building also has value for its architecture. Designed
by the partnership of R.T. Perry and R.A. Nicolais, it is
tall and narrow, with four storeys and a mezzanine but only
three bays wide, common to the newest buildings of the period
along Pender Street and those that would be designed in
the following decade. The rear half of the building was
originally two storeys lower. The relatively plain Commercial
Style facade lacks the recessed balconies characteristic
of many of those buildings, and which are seen in the Chinese
Benevolent Association Building (1909) next door at 104
East Pender Street. The present structure illustrates a
transition between the predominant European-Canadian and
Chinese-Canadian manners of design.
Source: City of Vancouver Heritage Conservation Program

Philip Timms, date 1972, CVA 677-931
character-defining elements of the Sun Ah Hotel include:
- Principal elevation to East Pender Street; secondary elevation
to Columbia Street
- Sculptural qualities of the architecture, achieved by
the use of brick for walls and decorative relief on the
top storey, and features such as the stone sills connecting
pairs of windows, by string courses made of soldier-coursed
bricks, by the sword-motif relief brick panels, and by windows
set into deep reveals
- The relatively poor quality of the low-fired brick, the
mediocre standard of bricklaying, and the variations in
colour of the brick (which indicate the variations in the
clay supply)
- Features of the facade that indicate the principal front,
including curbed parapets on the East Pender Street elevation
and the first structural bay on the return elevation, and
the large windows facing East Pender Street and smaller
windows on Columbia Street
- The large structural opening at street level that indicates
the extent of the original storefront and mezzanine
- Features of the party wall that illustrate function and
structure within, including the chimney stacks atop the
parapet and the blocked openings
- Features that contribute to the interest of the rooftop
silhouette, including the stair cover structure at the southwest
- Remnants of the original joinery, including double-hung
vertical sliding sash windows and elements of the storefront,
the stairs and the baseboard within the entry off East Pender
- The evidence of a basement, including the windows at pavement
level, their metal grilles in the shape of a Chinese character,
and the margin delineated in the pavement that suggests
the extent of the original open well area
- Remnants of former signage, including the fastenings of
the former neon sign advertising 'Ho Ho Chop Suey'
- The 'New Sun Ah' sign at the corner of the building
- The long-time use of the ground floor use for restaurant/retail
and the upper floors for residential rooms